First they came for...
Why are some people so unpleasant? What is it that makes them this way? What dark deep demons do they have in their subconscious that makes them want to lash out and cause other people emotional pain? People they don't even know. Is that just the world we live in now and nothing can be done about it? Is it something we have to just accept as being part of modern society in exchange for the benefits that the same society brings us? I'm guessing it is, it's a shame really. Whether it is racists being permitted to spout evil on tv shows and not get satisfactorily challenged as they should be or whether it is vile attacks on a handicapped child who is being bullied because of his handicaps by other children and then some adults feel that its ok to join in. And the path these actions lead to can be seen clearly as national news headlines whether a celebrity who takes her own life or the insanity of a loner who kills his mother and then destroys countless more lives before end...