
Showing posts from February, 2020

First they came for...

Why are some people so unpleasant? What is it that makes them this way? What dark deep demons do they have in their subconscious that makes them want to lash out and cause other people emotional pain? People they don't even know. Is that just the world we live in now and nothing can be done about it? Is it something we have to just accept as being part of modern society in exchange for the benefits that the same society brings us? I'm guessing it is, it's a shame really. Whether it is racists being permitted to spout evil on tv shows and not get satisfactorily challenged as they should be or whether it is vile attacks on a handicapped child who is being bullied because of his handicaps by other children and then some adults feel that its ok to join in. And the path these actions lead to can be seen clearly as national news headlines whether a celebrity who takes her own life or the insanity of a loner who kills his mother and then destroys countless more lives before end...

Some rambling about data...

We are in such a difficult place globally and things are not going to get any better anytime soon. So I think I'll write down my thoughts on the state of the world for the pleasure of future generations. Assuming there will be future generations. What there probably won't be is any record of these thoughts, mainly because they are written in bot and bytes on electronic media and not written on good old fashioned paper. I think many people make an assumption that once you write something down it will live in the ether for ever and ever. But of course that's not the case. The magnetic media that holds most of what we think as being immortal has a lifespan. The magnetic media on a disk wears out and the mechanism can break causing a complete catastrophic failure of the disk itself. But that's ok, because the data is probably stored on another disk somewhere else, and that'll be safe. But disks fail for other reasons too, a data centre can flood, can catch fire, can ...

Borderline Socialist

Once upon a Weekend... I found that I needed to write to my local political party branch to state my views on the upcoming leadership elections and I needed to get my thoughts down so I though I might as well write them here and get them straight before I did so. I've been a member of the Labour party in the UK since I was old enough to vote and old enough to join a political party movement. There have been a few gaps along the years where I just became too exasperated with the party direction and/or I needed to save money, not least as during that period interest rates on mortgages reached the crazy heights of 14+%. I forget how high it actually reached, I think I just stopped looking at 14% and considering I was in a pretty well paid job, had no dependants and few expensive habits apart from drinking, it was a pretty bad time where I even had to stop driving as I could not afford the insurance for a few months. Anyway, that's trivia and long in the past but worth bearin...

Forever coalescing

Where to today, down the dusty corridors of my mind, weaving our way through the nooks and crannies and settling upon one of the many, albeit mostly pointless, topics for me to project forth my view. Which, for the record, would only be my view at any given moment in time and is just as likely to be not my view in a week or a month or a year of asked again. Not that anybody is asking, but if they did, then that would be the case. Is it not the case for everyone? Perhaps some are so dogged and immovable in a particular view that they never change and stick with that view no matter what, no matter what evidence is placed before them, no matter how the rest of the world might move on. Well, that is there prerogative I think. So long as they do not seek to harm or unduly influence others, then they can keep their dogmas all to themselves. I thought about war the other day and why people, predominantly men, go to war, to kill others with a disproportionate number of women and children b...

Apocalyptic Racists and a little electrical surge...

Seems sometimes my posts are almost prescient as I mentioned the arrival of the four horseman of the apocalypse and now here we are being swamped by coronavirus and just to rub it in the UK government use a coach company called Horseman to ferry the potential carriers around. OK so there is not really an apocalyptic event on the horizon just yet but the virus has caused some events that, I would have liked to have termed, unexpected events but all things considered and given the wave of right wing rhetoric and xenophobia sweeping the country (or is it sweeping Europe...or the whole world!) at the moment then the unexpected has become the expected. It was bad enough watching social media footage from inside China where families from Wuhan but visiting family in other parts of the country, were imprisoned in homes by locals who seem to think the virus is endemic in everybody who is simply from Wuhan or even just has family there. But when you find not one or two but potentially in ...