There there, have a cup of tea
When I hear the phrase, as I have many a time, 'let people go' or variations thereof I am inclined to initially fall into the trap that was meant to fallen into when first a psychologist working for a marketing team doing some work for an Human Resources department came up with those three simple words as a slogan to replace 'fired' or 'axed' or 'terminated' or 'sacked'. In those three little words. or thereabouts and the variations thereof such as 'let you go' etc, there is supposed to be instilled a kindness. It is not that the recipient of being 'let go' has suddenly had a life destroying axe fall upon their neck ending all hope of future. It is instead supposed to instill that you are released from your shackles of servitude that bound you unwillingly and unhappily to a desk or a counter or a phone or a series of doorsteps and, having been let go, now, you can truly achieve your purpose in life. Because, by letting you go, ...