Once more unto the breach...

I thought it was time I started to 'blog' again. Although it has been so long since last I did 'blog' it is somewhat passé now. And indeed I'm somewhat pretentious for using passé! Still, I can rest easy knowing that nobody will ever read this twaddle!

The next is, of course, what the hell should I write about. Glad I asked myself that. I determined somewhere between a glass of wine and being awoken by a storm at 3am that I should think of a word and then write about that. But there are so many words. How on earth should I choose! I guess I'll just pick whatsoever pops into my head and then start wittering on about that.

Good job the only person listening to this (as much as anybody can 'listen' to written words! It's all about the inner self and as you read you hear the words you read, normally without your lips moving but then that is not always the case!) is me. And, speaking on behalf of those of you that are not reading this but might and would be mightily offended by me having such long sentences in brackets, indeed so long you forget what the 'is me' actually refers to by the time you finally get to it! I am offended by such long sentences inside brackets. See, I kinda did it again. Long sentences between start and end that one completely looses the plot.

So anyway... a word!

The word I had though of last night as I worried about the storm outside was 'prisoners'. Although I should mention the storm and why I felt it necessary not just to wake up but also get dressed and go outside in said storm. It just so happens. That this storm, a particularly bad storm in my locale, happened to strike on the very morning of me not having insurance for my car. My car being parked on the top of the hill next to a group of not so stable trees with storm gusts reaching 80mph coming directly from a point between my car and said trees. So, at 3am I was moving my car trying to find the place least likely for it to be struck. Good news. All was ok. So now I can get back to 'prisoners'.

It's just last night I found myself thinking, not for the first time, that however 'free' we might think we are. We tend to be inside invisible prisons. We are, therefore, all prisoners. Well, not everybody, but the large majority of us. We don't think of ourselves as prisoners. We think we are free. We think of prisoners as people incarcerated in secure building surrounded by delivery drones full of drugs and mobile phones. But, I think most of us are somewhat imprisoned.

In fact, I think we imprison ourselves. We accumulate stuff. Anything from a house to a vacuum cleaner. And the more stuff we have the more we store it. So even when we decide we are not prisoners and head off on an exciting adventure around the world to prove we are not in fact imprisoned. The vast majority of us... come home. So in fact, we were prisoners, it's just we were on some form of extended day release but returned before somebody came to get us!

I am certain this could be defined better by a psychologist or a sociologist and who knows maybe they would talk about nesting or some other abstract theme but to me, it is a prison. And maybe that's a good thing. After all, I could rebel against my prison (my house and all my worldly goods) and set light to them, after first cancelling any insurance policy. I could also rebel against my gaoler (or jailer if you wish, oh, and that would be me) by punching myself repeatedly in the face as I run away from myself.

The one downside of such things would almost certainly be that the rest of society might deem me a menace and then section me, ie, put me in another jail, only this time, not one that I might so easily leave and without the comforts of the little jail I just set on fire.

Therefore. I will resist the urge and remain a good prisoner within my glass walled jail.

There you have it. My thought, singular, on us nearly all being self governing prisoners who are let out daily to work so that we might buy more goods with which to feather our nest/jail. More things that keep us pinned to a place and makes us good citizens. And by good citizens I mean more malleable human beings that do pretty much as we are told within reason by a global elite.

On the other hand, this could be the wild random rantings of a madman who has nothing better to do with his time. You might be right. But then, if I am correct, 'you' is as far as I can tell 'me' and thus it matters not as however you look at it... I am ever so slightly mad!

Back soon, just need a lie down after that!


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