more... just more!

Then, continue on a theme, or maybe just to keep pulling on a thread until the whole thing unravels...

When you look at the works of Descartes or Hobbes and others they were, if I understand correctly, which should not be a given known fact, they basically had everything as being an extension of provisions of God, Hardly surprising as they would be creationists and then again could they have been anything except being creationists as Darwin et al were not even the merest twinkles in proverbial eyes.

But I can't help myself but ask, if there is a God, an omnipotent creator of all things... well, who made God. I'm guessing we'll never know and even if there is an afterlife and we shrug off this mortal coil and then go to a happy smiley place afterwards, it strikes me as sort of irrelevant as there is no connection between this place and that. So for those that are still here when someone dies there can only be the faintest reassurance that they have gone to another place and nothing but wild optimism that they have gone to a 'better place' because we aren't getting a weekly call home or even a postcard.

So if we cannot contact the dead in their new home why should we presume that they can see us or contact us. Even if they did, then they are in a permanent state of being in this new place looking down (or up, or across or some other direction...) at us and then at some point we will die and they will continue watching, presumably with an ever increasing number of relatives as they die off and come and join the party.

But in this other place it also seems presumptuous to presuppose there are bodies there. In fact that seems quite unlikely as the bodies we have here are simply convenient containers, with a whole host of engineering issues and maintenance faults, designed to maintain our being whilst we are inhabiting this world. If there is another place then we will probably have a different container or more likely we are simply a life-force that exists in a place like protons. I guess this is all as possible as it is impossible given how little we actually know even though we think we are very clever and know quite a lot I think the more intelligent know that the more they learn the more they realise how little they actually really do know.

So, if we accept that we don't know everything, indeed if we accept we only know the very basics of everything there is to know and that there are Donald Rumsfeld elements, that is, things we don't know we don't know, then we must logically accept that anything is possible. I don't even think we can say it is unlikely let alone impossible simply because we don't know enough. And, we might never know enough.

And returning to the communication barrier between the two places, or maybe multiple places, and assuming that communication from that side to this is also not possible despite wishful thinking then maybe we should also assume that when the life-force flows out of its human container and heads for this other place it does not take its memories with it because the memories are simply electrical connections stored in the brain which we can see every day all around us are subject to failure. Sometimes it is simple failure when we forget to turn off the lights or forget to buy bread but then also the more devastating memory failures where dementia destroys these parts of memory but the life-force continues until the container can no longer continue.

Therefore, there seems to be a logical step where we can assume the life-force might continue on, might travel to another place, but... it will effectively be reborn with no memories and will start from scratch or it simply exists as a life-force but to what end! And then I get back to something I wrote in an earlier witter entry, if life-forces are simply energy that floats around then maybe the life-force simply inhabits a new organism as it comes into being. And who is to say that a life-force that currently inhabits a human body will have to inhabit a human body next time.

And where does all this thought get me. Well, I guess it gets me to the point where I get to enjoy the ability I have been given which is to be able to ponder these things. It doesn't really matter. Whichever route you take the end result will likely be a full stop end to my existence where 'my' would be the unique combination of my life-force, my memories and ability to access them and the biological machine that carries this stuff around all in some grand symbiotic bargain.

When my body dies then my life-force will either be extinguished with the body or will 'live' on and might or might not enter a new 'body'. But that'll be irrelevant to 'me' for all the reasons I have outlined.

So... after all that, I am going to watch some mindless TV and eat some unhealthy Christmas snacks, relax and definitely try to stop thinking about this stuff for a while.


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