
Showing posts from April, 2020

Nirvana were right, the answer is bleach, intravenous bleach!

Seriously, what is wrong with the potus? He is clearly insane or suffering from very serious mental health conditions. I really think some physician should sign the appropriate papers to have the poor old guy dragged off by nice surly men in white coats with big syringes so that he can get the treatment he so desperately needs. Clearly it has gone way beyond simple politics, we are now in the realms of complete and utter madness. Granted, it seemed that way for several years now, even before he was president, but his condition has deteriorated and it might even be possible that if he were hooked up to a life support system the system would question what the point was as there was clearly no sign of life in the patient. Even if the ECG showed something the EEG would just be one long flat line, not so much as a blip! In the latest madness it seems the poor old dear has conflated the ad for bleach killing 99.99% of all known germs and Covid-19 and come to the conclusion that bleac...

The future is... a bit old and gray

One other thing I was thinking about, when not completely consumed with thinking about some little virus that's out to kill us, is voting. It struck me, although I am certain it has struck many other people many other times over many decades, is that voting is all a bit mixed up. Many a time I have seen debate about whether the vote should be extended to the age groups below 18 (18 being the voting age in the UK) and most of the time it is dismissed as not appropriate, although the definition of appropriate would appear to be that if the polling suggests the reduction of voting age would cause a shift in the total vote towards the party not in power then the party not in power wants it and the party in power does not allow it as being 'inappropriate at this time'. And so as the party in power has the power then it gets to decide and to decide to allow it even though it indicates the new voters would vote against them is the same as a turkey looking forward to Christmas c...

Long term, part2

So the chances are that whilst Covid-19 will eventually be controlled there will be further pandemics and they are quite possibly going to become more common. I make that outrageous claim only because it is like the genie getting out of the bottle, once it is out you cannot get it back in the bottle, however you might try to trick it into doing so! As the virus is out and has mutated into a form that can spread without quickly killing everything it infects, which would be its own end too, then it will continue to exist and mutate in the giant petri dish that is 7 billion people on Earth. The virus is already endemic, so it is now embedded in society, as noted in previous blogs, unless we lockdown the whole world for three weeks without anybody ever going out for that period no matter what and leaving the dead to remain in their beds until that period is over, the virus will remain endemic. Now given that however anybody might think that the extreme measure I suggest is maybe possibl...

Long term, part1

There could be some interesting long term impacts of the current pandemic, indeed there should definitely be some long term impacts, whether there actually will be any changes is a matter that will be debated long and hard over the coming years. One thing that will influence any changes will be money and commerce, as they have done ever since the creation of money or the agricultural revolution. And there will no doubt be some mention of peak-end theory whereby we, as human beings, have a recollection of an experience that tends towards recollection of the end of the experience and of selected peaks and troughs in the middle of the experience and very little recollection of the beginning of the experience. So when, one day, the end of, for instance, the lockdown comes, our recollection of it will tend to be of the end of that period of time. And, as more time passes, less and less will be recollected of any detail of the period, just of the final days. Plus, it is possible, as...

Andrew Cuomo for President! Please!

With all the dodgy leaders around the world doing ever more dodgy things it is nice to see at least one leader, albeit not a national leader, acting the part of a leader and seemingly doing it quite well. It is also nice to see this leadership in the USA as, and I think I speak on behalf of quite a lot of my fellow human beings, we were beginning to wonder whether there was anybody sane, intelligent, eloquent and commanding running the USA. But Andrew Cuomo does seem to fit the bill, plus if you listen to him with your eyes closed you get the distinct feeling that Al Pacino is running the state and that if you didn't do what he asked then you'd be found unconscious and bloodied next to the garbage bins out the back of an Italian American restaurant. Meanwhile the Donald is trying very hard to roll back on everything he said just two weeks ago. It's like a light suddenly got switched on. Presumably the light illuminated a panel that had second term written on it but all ...