Nirvana were right, the answer is bleach, intravenous bleach!

Seriously, what is wrong with the potus? He is clearly insane or suffering from very serious mental health conditions. I really think some physician should sign the appropriate papers to have the poor old guy dragged off by nice surly men in white coats with big syringes so that he can get the treatment he so desperately needs.

Clearly it has gone way beyond simple politics, we are now in the realms of complete and utter madness. Granted, it seemed that way for several years now, even before he was president, but his condition has deteriorated and it might even be possible that if he were hooked up to a life support system the system would question what the point was as there was clearly no sign of life in the patient.

Even if the ECG showed something the EEG would just be one long flat line, not so much as a blip!

In the latest madness it seems the poor old dear has conflated the ad for bleach killing 99.99% of all known germs and Covid-19 and come to the conclusion that bleach will kill Covid-19 (which it would) therefore why not inject bleach into the body. And my only question would be at this point in time.

Dear America, wtf were you thinking?

It would be sad to think that there are some poor souls in the USA who are so dim witted that, having voted for Trump in the first place and with a wish to make America great again, will go to their local DIY store, procure some bleach and a some plastic tubing and find some way of giving themselves an IV bleach drip. One might assume that having used bleach the body might not decompose so quickly but I'll wait to read the coroners report on that one.

Also, if the insanity of even thinking aloud about such things in front of tv cameras and microphones the rest of the world is listening too, with increasing concern, then the follow up is to suggest that sunlight and humid conditions helps quell the virus. Again, conflating the evidence that the flu season tends to run over the colder months and fizzles out during the warmer months. Tends too... most of the time. But, if he should chance to put down whatever comic book he's currently colouring in with crayons and take a look around then I think he'll find the virus has sunblock, sunglasses and a beach towel because it seems to be doing pretty well in some pretty hot and humid parts of the world.

One can only wonder what is going through the mind of Dr Fauci who has to get up to the rostrum after the President has finished thinking out loud and then tell the open mouthed dumbstruck audience about some science in words they might understand where we are in the fight against the virus. But he has proven to be very adept at managing to convey this with tact, authority and without pointing at the President and saying 'please don't listen to this fuckwit!'

If I were the Tribble that nests on his head I'd be getting the hell out of Dodge!


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