
Showing posts from December, 2020

Made up stuff...possibly!

  The anti-vaccers, or maybe it should be anti-vaxers as that would be as illiterate as the thinking behind it is un-scientific, will be playing into the UK governments cynical hands! I heard the government had taken receipt of a report that noted anything up to 30% of the population would be unwilling to take the vaccine. But the same report also notes the vast majority of anti-vaccers fall into the lower quartiles of both academic achievement, literacy and earnings but are high in the stats for multi morbidity and for long term poor health pre-cursors such as smoking, poor diet and being overweight. Such a report, if indeed it actually exists, also states that leaving such individuals to suffer the consequences of Covid and other diseases is not harmful to the long term health of the country as any individuals that died as a result of the not getting vaccinated would only present a short term immediate cost but long-term would be produce a saving on the public purse as they are m...