Made up stuff...possibly!


The anti-vaccers, or maybe it should be anti-vaxers as that would be as illiterate as the thinking behind it is un-scientific, will be playing into the UK governments cynical hands!

I heard the government had taken receipt of a report that noted anything up to 30% of the population would be unwilling to take the vaccine. But the same report also notes the vast majority of anti-vaccers fall into the lower quartiles of both academic achievement, literacy and earnings but are high in the stats for multi morbidity and for long term poor health pre-cursors such as smoking, poor diet and being overweight.

Such a report, if indeed it actually exists, also states that leaving such individuals to suffer the consequences of Covid and other diseases is not harmful to the long term health of the country as any individuals that died as a result of the not getting vaccinated would only present a short term immediate cost but long-term would be produce a saving on the public purse as they are mostly likely to require assistance from the state for housing, unemployment and long term health and social service care.

The report would conclude, if it were actually ever written, that only lip-service should be paid to changing the minds of anti-vaccers as it would be wasted cost and energy and that those with higher academic achievement and general intelligence would be more quickly vaccinated and more quickly reintegrated into a tax producing society.

I guess that if such a report were to land on the PMs desk it would be hurriedly locked away for fear that it might be seen as some form of modern day eugenics.

On a flippant note, the Darwin awards will be overwhelmed with nominations in 2021!

That aside, the government is trying really hard to bankrupt the country by bankrupting every business and every individual one at a time through the inept handling of the Brexit process. Within days of me typing this nonsense the country will once again be an island nation with spitfires being dusted off the protect the channel from marauding French fishermen and both the Navy's tug boats hauled out of dry dock to do the same thing.

At this point I am only surprised that Polish brickie's have not been called upon to build a wall at the entrance of the channel tunnel, presumably building it from the 'other' side thereby killing two birds with one wall!

After four years I am still stunned at the gross stupidity of the nation that has voted to shoot itself in the proverbial foot. Undoubtedly the vote was carried by those that have the least and led by a large number of those that have the most. Leaving the EU will certainly make the latter very much wealthier but those that have very little and quite possibly wanted to punish what they might see as the middle class elites that spend time on multiple annual foreign holidays, well, they are going to suffer.

You can expect the Government to now use the scapegoat it had already set up, namely the intransigent EU for not agreeing to the 'oven ready' deal that was put on the table, still frozen, in front of a EU negotiator that wasn't about to sell out 27 countries for the sake of pleasing one outsider. This primary scapegoat will be blamed day after day for the plight and declining prospects and livelihoods of those that voted for Brexit.

In addition, the government, will undoubtedly also make plenty of the impact of Covid on the economy and upon taxes and therefore another reason why those with little are going to end up having even less. 

Most people will have less in the years to come. Most people in most countries will be in the same boat. Huge national debts that have to be paid off, somehow, at sometime. But the UK is going to be in a worse position than any comparable country through its decision to leave the EU.

As has been said many times before, we'll see. But if you wanted a sign then look at the ten mile queues at French ports that are already forming trying to beat the fixed deadline of 31st December or the Honda car plant closure due to JIT parts systems failing as there are no parts, in time, or not. Or even better, Sir Jim Ratcliffe, the pro-Brexit leading light moving his new car plant to France instead of Wales due to the French plant being "well located for access to markets, suppliers and automotive talent" I would only be surprised if I found anybody was surprised by this announcement. There will be plenty more in 2021.

Happy Christmas :) 


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