The daftest non-story that appears to be causing consternation with a larger number of people than is actually warranted is the nonsense about GameStop and the 'shareholder revolution' that is a real storm in a teacup and a huge non=story right the way up to the point the SEC manage to get their nose stuck in and then it turns from a non-story into a pro-Trump, pro-smallpeople, anti-establishment story. I suspect that 90% of people have no idea what the story is, why (or if) it matters etc etc. If anybody wanted to understand what's going on then they would have to have an understanding of how stock markets work, why they matter, what hedge funds are, what daytrading is, what reddit is etc etc etc. Far being it from me to start educating anybody about any of these trifling matters. Not least as I'm one of those 'lucky' individuals that have spent more time than feels healthy without a good shower and dose of antibiotics talking with, dealing with and shaking h...