
Showing posts from June, 2019


I know that I only write to myself as some form of catharsis and that I have always striven to find some humour in the life around me. But it seems the world around me is becoming less and less funny, even when trying to find parody, sarcasm, irony or others to balance the horrendous state of the world. And then Putin does an interview with the FT! If ever people that enjoy freedom and the right to complain and protest and the right to be who they want to be with those rights enshrined in laws that protect them from the small minorities that wish them harm for no better reason than their own deficiencies and sad lives. That interview would be the one. When I consider his words I have to consider what this man is. A man who lives to excess on the backs of his people. Who extorts through laws that he makes and abuses with his cadres. He is a multi billionaire with massive palaces dotted around Russia and the world and where does this fortune come from? Industry? Invention? Extreme...

Revenge of the BoJo

Just when you thought that politics in the UK could not get any worse... you find you were wrong. That slow dawning upon the soul that a clown might soon be running the country. I know this is not new for some other countries around the world who seem to like comedians in the countries most powerful position but seriously, the UK being run by a real life, red nosed, messy haired, oversized footed clown! Even the clown name, BoJo has an eerie creepy sound to it, the sort of clown name that Steven King would consider and then discard as simply too preposterous! But the reality is creeping forward. Coming towards the people of the UK with a doom laden sense of foreboding and shock. It will be the shock and awe equivalent of British politics. The day the worlds press gathers in the newly erected big top on College Green with master of ceremonies BoJo cycling in with a squirty water flower in his lapel and red box full of state secrets hanging open from the rear cycle rack, its conte...

Grass and stuff

So the President arrived. Rolled into town with a squadron of aircraft that by far outnumbered and certainly outgunned anything the RAF has nowadays.  Even when the RAF has got planes it seems that an awful lot of them stay on the ground more than might seem prudent due to lack of fuel because of a lack of budget or lack of pilots due to a general malaise in young men wanting to study incredibly hard for a decade just to get shot at by aircraft or missile systems that they will never actually see.  Unless of course the enemy are somewhat less developed, shall we say, I which case the odds improve, slightly. And as the PotUS arrived he grabbed his wife firmly by the hand. Which was a relief to all concerned given his previous comments although maybe not such a relief to his wife who, for all we know, might wish him to grab her by something other than the hand. The Donald also met the Queen and thankfully kept to protocol and also did not grab her anywhere. He...


So what exciting things are there to discuss, in a purely rhetorical sense, today then? I saw that Donald Trump has stuck his huge great hooter into British politics again and endorsed Bilbo Baggins as the future UK Prime Minister. No, wait, not Bilbo. Boris Johnson, that's the kiddie. In any normal world that would be the kiss of death on a political career that BoJo deserves but he's like one of those mole things in that Whack-a-Mole game. However hard you hit him with the damned hammer he just pops up again from another hole! Bilbo Baggins would actually be a better option but I don't think he's around at the moment. Either that or he has some cloak or a ring or something that makes him impossible to see. I'm guessing he's using it, whatever it is, as he recognises a poison chalice when he sees one! Which apparently the 500 MPs that have so far put their names forward for the ballot do not see! But that about sums it up, they are way too stupid to recogn...