
So what exciting things are there to discuss, in a purely rhetorical sense, today then?

I saw that Donald Trump has stuck his huge great hooter into British politics again and endorsed Bilbo Baggins as the future UK Prime Minister. No, wait, not Bilbo. Boris Johnson, that's the kiddie. In any normal world that would be the kiss of death on a political career that BoJo deserves but he's like one of those mole things in that Whack-a-Mole game. However hard you hit him with the damned hammer he just pops up again from another hole!

Bilbo Baggins would actually be a better option but I don't think he's around at the moment. Either that or he has some cloak or a ring or something that makes him impossible to see. I'm guessing he's using it, whatever it is, as he recognises a poison chalice when he sees one! Which apparently the 500 MPs that have so far put their names forward for the ballot do not see! But that about sums it up, they are way too stupid to recognise a poison chalice when they see one let alone when it is handed too them and they don't even sit quietly waiting for the chalice to be thrust upon them, they volunteer to grab it like something from an Indiana Jones film!

Of course there are not 500 candidates, not yet, it just feels that way! And I somehow suspect they are not all Conservatives! It would not surprise me at all to find that Mr Farage was also a candidate. After all, Trump has endorsed him as well!

If BoJo does win then the UK will be in that small club of European nations that have elected a clown to one of the most important public offices in their respective countries. One of them is on the outskirts of 'European' but is still regarded as European and of course is the very definition of life imitating art. Good job that particular country is not doing anything very serious at the moment like, say, prodding a f***ing huge bear with a sharp stick!

In the mean time. I have more rabbits (wild) in my garden than seems reasonable! Not just rabbits but also mice and squirrels! Lots of them. So many mice that I can actually look out the window and watch them bolt from one hole to another. So much for them being 'nocturnal'! They are out all day and all night. I don't think the owls are around any more or else there might be less of them. I have not seen the foxes either which might explain why the rabbits are doing their level best to prove Fibonacci was a little out on his calculations! Plus there used to be some feral cats around and they used to help keep the mice population within some bounds of sensibility but they might also be gone!

I don't actually mind these critters hanging around the garden so long as they keep the damage to a minimum but I draw the line, the front line, at the door! I'm afraid that if mice enter I cannot be held responsible for their well being. I do everything I can to dissuade them but at the end of the day their is the equivalent of a mouses mine field awaiting them. Those that have dared to find a way in have been fed to the Buzzard by being deposited as a tasty morsel on the front lawn where the Buzzard does what Buzzards do and consumes the carrion!

Anyway, that's all that really happened so far today. Tonight is another matter as it is the Champions League final and this matters not much to anybody outside of England as, somewhat rarely, there are two English clubs vying to take the trophy home. So, two English clubs in the final... being played in Spain! At least it is Spain and not some godforsaken outpost of the former USSR!

Oh, and I will be drinking tonight. It is a rarity. I now drink on far less days than I do not drink. Which is interesting (I use that term very loosely) because since I was about 17 I was drinking on more days than I did not! In fact if I think about it too much I do find myself surprised I am actually in a position to drink or not drink at all!

Good night, have fun, cheer on Liverpool...


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