Where now...

So what to do about the whole question of the creator?

On one hand you can think there was a creator, maybe you might call him God. Although whether he is a he, or a she, or an it. Who knows. We can make up stories that the creator must be a he as he made us in his own image. But then we cannot know that. It's not like somebody found a makers label with a set of instructions. Or indeed a care label, which might have been more useful.

Even if there was a grand creator, it leaves quite a few more questions than it answers. Is there only one creator? Are the creators a race? Are there any other questions I could think up without watching a box set of Aliens franchise films?

And if there was a creator who was messing about one day and came up with, well, what, the universe, or just the Earth? Why? Having created the universe, or universes, or maybe just a being within the universe, then what? So the creator created the universe and the Earth within it and then all of nature including mankind.

What then, did the creator say that's enough for today and left it to its own devices and went off for a bit to eat. Or maybe the creator died after half finishing the project. Maybe lots of creators have created lots of living beings across lots of planets, we just cannot see them, maybe that's because they do not exist in the same way we exist.

Or maybe the creator created us as an experiment and the experiment is still running. Perhaps there was a wager, perhaps the wager was that left to their own devices these lifeforms would ultimately destroy themselves. And maybe what we think of as billions of years is simply a blink of an eye, or a lifetime for the creator and I guess then we'd be getting back to the creating the Earth is six days and then rest on the seventh except seventh is actually not resting it is watching the experiment play out. And maybe that experiment just takes a few creators hours and so in the creators timeframe there are just minutes or hours to go until the experiment is concluded. And maybe, at the end of the experiment regardless of what happens and whether the wager is won or lost, the universe is destroyed and blank canvass is readied for the next experiment.

But if the creator has not gone off to lunch, or died, or is simply a non-participating observer, then what does that tell us about the creator? Perhaps we should not pass any judgement on the creator because the creator is not like us and is simply a scientist watching his experiment and we are no more than amoebas in a dish!

Or if the creator is not a scientist and created us for a reason, what could the reason be? And if the creator can see and hear and understand us all, what does that say about the creator? Is the creator cruel, uncaring or what?

Would it not seem more likely, if there were to be a creator, that the creator has either gone, died, is watching an experiment? who knows, well, nobody does, that's why the questions are as old as thinking and will continue to be thought and asked until the end of (our) time.

Apart from all that nonsense, we are going to have to ask, because I really insist, who made the creator. Because if we don't ask that question then all we are doing is handing off the original question and putting it in a box, taping it up and putting a pretty bow on it with a note saying 'do not open'. Or if not a box, maybe a can, with a note saying 'danger: worms, do not open!'

What I mean is, if we are not happy that we are a product of nature (whatever nature is) but insist that there is a creator that has a plan for us and created us and nature and, well, everything. Then if we accept that but don't ask the question about who created the creator are we not right back at the very beginning just once removed, like some awkward cousin at a wedding?

If we don't ask, who created the creator, because you don't ask questions like that because the creator doesn't like it or because it's just rude, then there was no point asking who created us in the first place so you are in an equally difficult place without an answer. Surely? Or is it back to that old favourite, blind faith!

I am inclined towards the monkeys solution whereby if you (theoretically) take an infinite number of monkeys with an infinite number of typewriters and, due to the infinity factor, every possible book that has ever been written is written by one of the infinite monkeys with a typewrite and of course an almost infinite number of other editions with different words until the one that matches is matched. Only I don't mean a book I mean instead an infinite number of bio-chemical reactions until life comes about.

That said, you might presume that I have firmly nailed my colours to the science over creator mast. Except of course I once that the safe bet is to believe in there being a God and a heaven even if you find it really far fetched. The theory being that if there is not a God and heaven, well you have not lost anything by believing as you will not be going to heaven regardless and if there is a heaven and the entry price was to believe then heh presto you get a free entry. Anyway, depending upon your particular choice of religion you can live a pretty normal life, or even a completely awful life but so long as you repent and ask forgiveness then in some interpretations then God will forgive you anyway and you'll still get in.

But nobody really knows, that's why it is a faith! I guess.

Maybe I should get back to writing something from my imagination. After all, it's not like any of these questions can be answered by me, or you, and even if I, or you, could answer them, it would not be definitive, it would be a supposition based on what we know, or think we know, assuming there is not a devil sitting on our shoulders feeding us misleading information. Also assuming you are actually there, that I am not alone and that all of you are simply a figment of my imagination, or indeed that you are not completely alone and that everything you can see, feel and hear is not simply imagination, including this, in which case I am not writing this, you are imagining it and in effect, you are writing it, not me, because I do not exist.


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