So, we are just a few hours away from the end of the 2020 US Presidential election. At least we are a few hours away from the beginning of the end of the election. With postal votes and slow counts it could all drag on for a few more days yet. But this week it should be over.

Despite all the rhetoric, whether the US likes it or not, indeed whether anybody outside the US likes it or not, the result and the behaviour of people post the election is of worldwide importance.

It galls me to say, but without the USA as a beacon for democracy then there is no hope for democracy long term. If there were serious civil disorder because of the result then the USA would hardly be in a position to criticise any other regime.

I find some of the interviews with ordinary American citizens a cross between bizarre and concerning. There appear to be some people that believe the Democrats wish to introduce socialism into the USA. But when they describe socialism they are describing the something akin to the totalitarian communism of Stalin, Mao or Xi!

There was even one group that feared they would end up in a concentration camp under Biden! To be honest, they stand more chance of that happening under Trump than Biden. But these bizarre outriders help make those that foretell of civil unrest or even civil war far more credible. It does not help that Trump encourages these trigger happy morons to buy another gun and another five thousand rounds of ammunition!

And if that happens, in the USA, if there were any serious civil disorder that required the military to take control of the streets, if that happened, then firstly the USA would be finished as that beacon of democracy. But secondly, without that sometimes unwilling, sometimes unwanted, sometimes questionable global policeman then every tinpot dictator will take advantage of the disruption. Putin will almost certainly make a move, the only question is where and how. 

But even more certain is that Xi will take advantage. Taiwan will be taken back, that is a certainty. The only question is whether Xi will go further and I suspect the answer is yes. The South China Seas will fall under the control of the PLA, as in full control, not like the school playground bully style of control they currently exert, but full, don't answer back, crushing control of all those countries that raise complaints knowing that the USA has a fleet standing by ready to step in to help. If the army are on the streets of the USA keeping order you can be sure the navy will not be engaging in any adventures around China until order is returned at home.

One hopes that all of this is hyperbole, that it is not meant to be taken too seriously and that, of course, this could not happen in the USA. Guess we are a few hours to finding out!

Not that it is up to me, but I fall less into the Biden camp than the ABT camp. Much as I would like a Democrat, I would like a Democrat with a little more youth, a little more energy, a little more energy and a lot more change. Buttigieg would have probably been my first choise or one of the many very capable women, including Harris, excluding Clinton. And whoever determined that Biden should undertake this 'I'm still as fit today as I was when I was 65' little run up to the podium every time he's on the stump should just stop! We get what you are trying to counter, but look at the material you are working with, he is old. Hell, I'm old, he's a lotttt older lol!

The only reassuring thing is that Harris is his VP, that at least is reassuring. Just like Trump, she is tough and uncompromising. Unlike Trump, she is honest, articulate, is uncompromising on matters that concern those without a voice and above all, has an IQ, as in a high IQ, whereas Trump is dumb, rich, but dumb. Not only is he dumb, he only appears rich through smoke and mirrors. And as has been pointed out time after time, if his inheritance had been invested in a half decent Wall Street wealth manager when he first too receipt of it he would be a damn site wealthier today than he actually is! What is it they say, pauper to pauper in three generations! Quite possibly!

Anyway, not long now!


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