Once more... blah blah blah!

I thought I would once again try my hand at writing a blog! It is one of those things I don’t expect anybody to read but is a form of cathartic act for me. I can even use words like cathartic and not care whether anybody is paying the slightest bit of attention!

I used to keep a blog before. But in that time I had a sparring blogger who kept me honest! Through our joint support of each others blogs we were quite happy to just know that even if nobody else bothered to read the ramblings of the seriously disturbed we would know that we had read each others!

Of course… nothing ever lasts… except plastic that is, plastic will last longer than the earth… in fact, one day, some weary space traveller will drop by and find the earth completely wrapped in a giant plastic wrapper. And on that wrapper there will be a blue and white logo and Tesco written above it… definitely from the value range!

So… this morning as I drive to work in the rain, which is good, I like some rain, helps with the green part of ‘this green and pleasant land’ I mused on the pointlessness of some peoples selfishness. Not complex selfishness, just the simple kind.

Most working days, at the moment, I drive to Bracknell. To get to Bracknell from the centre of Reading one would normally drive through the bad lands around Cemetery Junction and I do… just because at heart I am a conventional kind of person. Although deep down I would of course like to get to Bracknell via Henley for instance but it’s an unusual route which generally requires you to double back on yourself and go via Cemetery Junction anyway.

Anyway, as many of you know (I have no idea who ‘you’ are though… so no idea if you know any such thing) you drive down Kings Road to get to Cemetery Junction. Kings Road has two very clearly marked lanes. On the left you head towards the A329M and all the wonders and mysteries that direction holds such as Welsh Wales and London with its pavements made of the purest gold… On the right you can go to Wokingham. Clearly, not many people want to go to Wokingham. This is understandable as time stood still in Wokingham some time around 1985 and nothing very exciting happened in 1985!

The consequence is, on the left, the traffic builds up and everybody queues behind like good little British people who have mostly have the queuing gene. On the right the traffic flows freely and is clearly marked as the way to Wokingham.

So why are some people in such a goddam hurry that every morning I see dozens of people shoot by in the right hand lane and then stick on the indicators to move into the queue further up the road. At best, this act of selfishness saves them five minutes. At worst, in the past few months, it incites road rage leading from shouting matches to a collision when two equally determined and/or stubborn people just ran into one another at slow speed!

Initially I was annoyed at such actions. Now I just take it as part of life. I am happy waiting in the slow moving queue that takes me to work. Happy just listening to the inane babblings of a pair of radio presenters on Heart radio telling me the latest in the Cheryl Cole saga!


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