It's the fault of the ants...

Can't be bothered to rant about anything today. Sure there is lots I could rant about. I just cannot be bothered to do so. So, as I sit in a meeting taking notes, well, writing this blog whilst giving the appearance of taking notes, I reflect on ants rather than rants. They clearly have a number of similarities. Certainly in percentage terms it can be seen ants are 80% of rants. Therefore they must be very closely related. Indeed as I consider this further I find that they share exactly the same number of vowels and this I conclude must mean something.

I am certain now that ants came first. I suspect some Greek chap was listening to his local politician having a rant about something to do with... the damned Gauls breaking down fences all over the northern territories... Only he did not recognise it as a rant as the word did not exist, although as history will show it was just about to come into existence. This Greek chappie continued to watch and decided there was no fitting word for the aggressive litany being mouthed from across the amphitheatre and started to give some consideration to giving it a word that would do it justice.

He pondered and pondered and looked around for inspiration but nothing really struck him so his head sank, quite literally and he gazed into the dirt between his latest Ecco sandals and concluded perhaps there was no word that would do this... speechy thing... justice... and that was when he spotted the ants. He knew what ants were, they were ants... Well, that was it then he decided, us Greeks are very very good at just making up new words by throwing a random letter at the start of an existing word and then looking all smug when we use it for the first time! So... that's what he did. After toying with a few other combinations he settled on R and came up with rant. He did have to disregard a few others along the way but he decided he would keep those for another day, but this that he was listening to, well... that was clearly a rant!

Having now realised how this all came about I now see how vowels were named after owls but I am having trouble with consonants but then again its such a stupid word anyway who really actually cares where it came from. Then I find myself thinking about Nigel and decide that's not something I want to think about too much!

Think somebody just asked me a question so I'm going to have to look perplexed and thoughtful for a minute and then feign a kind of surprise as I look up from typing this drivel (hmmm, where did that come from... have to think about that...) and explain how something really bad just happened on one of the projects and its taking all my attention. Back later!


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