A bad case of Schrodinger Arm

Ok, so that seems completely mad right? What I mean, in my own quaint albeit crazy way is. I've had this pain in my arm for a few months but for the last month I have not had the pain because I have not taken the action that causes the pain to become evident. That is... if I rub my arm from elbow to wrist with a degree of firmness such as when drying oneself with a towel, then I get a sharp pain from a point in my forearm that passes almost as quickly as it appears.

Almost as though a needle has been stabbed into me and withdrawn. I did wonder whether there was a splinter or some similar body in the skin and that when I rubbed in that downward direction it was causing the splinter to push in and cause the sharp pain. But I looked and could find nothing, I even went so far as to shave the affected area so I could have a close look at the skin and found nothing!

Mysterious I thought!

So why Schrodinger's arm? Well, because after having this issue continually for a couple of months I consciously decided to avoid causing the pain by not rubbing my arm from elbow to wrist but only from wrist to elbow which causes no pain.

And, like the Schrodinger thought experiment, as I do not look for the pain I do not know whether it is still there or whether it has gone, thus, I have a case of Schrodinger Arm. A rare and unusual case I think you will agree.

I suspect the poor old Schrodinger is rolling in his grave that after all his incredible life altering work in Physics and, in particular, quantum theory, work for which he was awarded the Nobel prize, all that most people know about him is that he shut a cat in a box and did not know whether it was alive or dead.

Although that kinda misses the point and as far as I know he never actually put any cat in any box as it was a thought experiment, not to mention I believe he actually got the idea from Einstein in the first place!


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