F*** me she's alive!

Seems that some people are getting upset with one Ms Widdecombe, aka Ms Windyknickers. Apparently she feels that we have been enslaved by the EU and now we are breaking our shackles and taking back our freedom sort or Roots like but less real and ever so slightly more Anglo Saxon whiteish!

I guess there might be some similarities in as much as even once we are 'set free' we will find ourselves extremely poor and shunned by pretty much every nation on Earth, but heh, that's how it was in the 70s and that's how it'll be again. Who cares anymore!

As for Ms Windyknickers well we, us over here on this little island off the coast of France, we stopped listening to her in about 1870 when she was wittering on about damned Prussians. Most of us had thought she was dead so it was a little surprising to us to see her popping up again in the EU at all let alone that she was going to say something that might offend somebody. She has a history of offending people, mainly those people that don't stop listening fast enough which is generally a mistake only made once or twice. One can only assume that this is how she came to be elected to represent a party that doesn't want to exist and is attending a place she does not want to be in while turning her back on some delightful musicians simply trying to earn a crust. Although, once again, she has a little bit of history in that regard as she has often turned her back on many things from the poorest in society through to any shop that sells any clothes even vaguely nice.

It has been suggested that in fact she did die in the mid 20th century and Mr Barrage, that well known money grabbing blimp, bought her back to life just to piss us all off and did so in his role as appointed antichrist!

You can be pretty sure that when you see hordes of wealthy upper middle class people neighing like a Donkey on heat, or even an Ass, about freedom, liberty and how wonderful life will be outside of the EU the one group of people that will actually be better off are those wealthy upper middle classes all clapping each other on the back with their hooves. Be that a hoof of an Ass, a Donkey or something far more Beelzebub like, take your pick.

I'm not entirely sure what the herds of sheep like cannon fodder plan to do once they find out they are not getting anything they wanted out of this whole fiasco but I'm pretty certain it will involve burning some things in the street and smashing a few windows. Mainly these will be burning their own things, in their own streets and breaking their neighbours windows because the witless money grabbing bastards who's idea this all was will send the police to cordon them off so they don't spoil their afternoon barbecues. I might be wrong of course, maybe there will just be street parties and uncontrolled joy at having even less money, jobs, services than we do today and that would be perfect really. Maybe we'll all just drown our sorrows in cheap cider and have some kind of bacchanalian orgy until we're all dead.

Then that bastard Barrage will simply bring us back again and make us do it all over again... forever.


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