How depressing

Have you ever noticed that you go through life and think, oh well, if this doesn't work then I can do it better next time. Everything from cars to houses and relationships and jobs. Or maybe even just a book or painting a watercolour. It struck me recently that at a certain point you suddenly stop thinking this and realise that the 'next' might already be the last or if not the current then the next might be the last. It's not that it's depressing or anything like that, it's just that it made me think. Generally, nothing hugely earth shatteringly mind blowingly thought provoking, just... thinking!

And in the next next we appear doomed to one disaster after another, maybe they'll all happen at the same time just to get things over and done with and then if anybody is left over they can start all over again. Although it would not be a great existence. I spoke to some people that seem to overly romanticise a complete world reset with only a fraction of the population left. I think they might not like the reality check but then again given the scenario they are thinking of the chances that they are the ones left over seems remarkably slim to me.

Maybe I'll start a book (as in gambling not writing one) on which event is most likely to occur next. Another (it's getting boring now...) war in the middle east, a complete financial meltdown caused by Italy, or Brexit, or trade wars that get out of hand or just a continuation of the crash that started in 2008 (or 2007... or 1976 depending upon your point of view) maybe a war with China over HK, or Taiwan, or tiny dots of make believe islands. Or maybe Russia will start a real war rather than the half dozen proxy wars it's currently engaged in (not that the USA is one to take moral high ground here, nor most of Europe, given their not so distant history) And those are just the man made ones, personally I suspect nature has a few tricks up its sleeve whether a massive volcano eruption that spews out so much ash it cools the earth by a few degrees a bit like a pressure cooker has a steam valve, or maybe just a new version of flu that can't be easily stopped... again. Ah well, it's not worth dwelling upon as there is nothing that can be done really. What will be will be.

Given all that massively depressing stuff... we should really be grateful that there are so many clowns running some of the most dangerous countries in the world.just to give us something to laugh about.

But what about the plus side... I'll need a minute... maybe longer... I'll be right book!


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