She should say nothing...

Steering clear of talking about projects, management teams or suppliers today. I think. But as I have just started hitting the keys who really knows. It’s not like I sit here and think about what I am going to write… bit like the way I talk I suppose. I just start my mouth up like some sort of industrial hedge trimmer and then set about forming something pretty out of a hedge… only doesn’t always look pretty… see, now five seconds ago I didn’t know I was going to write that and nor did you!

How come Thailand gets some fit bird to run the country and we get Abbot and Costello? Even when we do get a woman to run the country we choose Attila the Hun or Thatcher. Not sure which of them was responsible for most deaths but pretty certain Attila killed more personally than Thatcher but you never can tell what goes on in those cabinet meetings until somebody writes their memoirs, assuming they make it that far.

I say ‘choose’ although it might not exactly be choice per se. After all there were many many left dead and dying, people simply trampled under foot, lies, disinformation and shear bloody murder involved in getting to the top. Attila was almost as bad.

Ok so you did see that one coming…

Have a funny old feeling the Greeks will come bearing more, unwanted and unwelcome, gifts to the market this week. Not sure it will be all of their own making, well… it will, it’s just they don’t directly know it will! I think this week people will be getting to grips with the power of the credit rating agencies such as Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s.

I have a distinct feeling we can expect one of these august bodies declare a technical default has actually occurred on Greek debt even though they have large truck loads of money being shipped over the border as I type. And why does that matter… because it will, that’s why!

Imagine your down the pub with your mates. One of them asks you for a fiver. You give it over so long as you can have it back by Friday and so long as he buys you a packet of crisps on top for the bother.

In the meantime, being somewhat suspicious of your mates ability to pay back by Friday you bet another mate that you won’t get your money back. Your other mate wants to take the bet but asks his girlfriend what she thinks of the guy that’s taken the fiver. She has a look at the guy and watches him shovelling the money into a fruit machine and suggests the chances of getting money back are quite slim.

So her boyfriend says ok I’ll take the bet but at even odds. You agree the bet. At the same time your mate who’s taken the bet feels a little exposed and asks the twins in the corner of the bar if they’d like some of his betting action. They also consult with his girlfriend who knows the guys a loser and advises the twins of this. They too take agree the bet at the appropriate odds and everybody is happy!

In amongst that, the girlfriend is Moody’s! Hence the expression Moody cow. A very unfair expression but that’s how it all came about!

I could go onto how your mate doesn’t pay up on Friday but does give you some crisps and promises to give you two more bags of crisps and the original fiver next Friday but only if you can lend him another fiver on top. I could also add in that you start a chain of events by collecting on your bet and everybody else starts putting their hands in their pockets paying everybody except your first mate with the crisps.

He’s not paying anybody because he put the money in fruit machine and lost. Yet somehow everybody else is paying up for his gamble and your mates girlfriend is sitting their looking well smug because she told you so, which she did but you didn’t listen. So imagine the look on her face when she hears about this two crisp deal that’s being suggested and she says ‘seriously!!! I mean the guy is a complete wanker, never buys a round, always short of money and never pays you back!’ But, of course, he’s a mate and you never let your mates down so you put your hand back in your pocket!

So… in short… your mates girlfriend is really gonna fuck this week up for us! He could pick another one but they’ll all be the same. Anyway, they’ll always be right, and if we don’t know that by now we never will… Yet we’ll keep on subbing our mates… for now!


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