What a relief... eh!

Sorry, having trouble finding anything to be 'happy' about here... A talented woman who worked her way from secretary to head of a large national organisation through talent and hard work has been destroyed because of the actions of others. Her culpability is not proven. Ironically she has been tried in the same court she tried others, that of the media... just desserts?... maybe... and maybe not, we love building people up and then knocking them down, one of our more unpleasant traits.

How about shouting at, and trying to physically attack, an 80 year old man in the street... outrageous?... but suddenly ok because he runs a news organisation that feeds the salacious appetites of the very people now attacking him...

How about the shock that politicians, of all persuasions, find it necessary and/or enjoyable to mix with the 'movers and shakers' of our society... their fault... or ours... or is it even a fault?

And why are the family of a murdered 13 year old girl, looking tired, terrified and distraught in equal measure, being paraded behind a solicitor at every possible opportunity for the benefit of the media who's actions they are so appalled at... but that's ok... because it was only the News of the World, and that was pure evil, and now all those evil reporters... and their support staff... are unemployed... so that's all right then, because it was only ever the NotW that did such things... thank God we found out and dealt with them!

I'm saddened... really fucking saddened... investigative journalism is in danger of being tarred with a single brush. The unpalatable actions of some, who's moral compass and greed, led them astray has called into question the actions of them all. Yet without similarly questionable actions of some reporters/journalists, so many wrongs would never have been uncovered. Journalism can be really dirty grimy work and it takes talent, dedication and determination to uncover stories that dirty grimy people don't want others to know about... time to look in the mirror me thinks... we get the media we deserve... we deserve the media we get...

Paul McMullan appeared on Sunday Morning Live with Derek Hatton and Peter Hitchens, he was being torn apart by two far better armed assailants... and yet... at the end... he retold a story about somebody famous and their household affairs... and Hatton and Hitchens sat transfixed... just like everybody else, keen to hear about the personal life of a celebrity!


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