What a naughty chappie... er... maid... er... system!

What interesting and entertaining things are happening in the world today then…

Looks like the Strauss Khan case is taking an interesting twist. Although is it an unexpected twist? It is almost certain that the naughty chap shagged the poor unsuspecting maid like a scene from a 1970’s 8mm blue film. Who would have thought it!

Guess it does raise a number of questions which will now have to asked and answered. Did she have sex and then regret what she had done and tried then to cover her guilt by making up a story? Did the NYC police department trip over themselves to arrest Strauss Khan purely because of the adrenalin rush of such a high profile character and of course the need to race onto the hot tarmac, lights blazing and sirens screaming, with a dramatic slide of the patrol car into the path of an already taxiing 747 bound for Paris to seize the evil criminal before he made his dramatic escape?

Or perhaps the more serious questions about whether she might have been assaulted but will not get justice because she lied on her immigration documents or because, somewhat surprisingly for a minimum wage, New York immigrant from Guinea she happens to have known somebody who at some point has had some interaction with gangs and/or drugs! There’s a shock!

So the prosecution are now raising concerns in regard of the reliability of the accuser to the judge. It will not be a huge surprise for the whole case to collapse simply because she lied to get out of Guinea and into the land of dreams or because she is guilty by association of knowing people that are involved in drugs trafficking.

I will feel sorry for her if the case is simply dismissed and she finds herself going from victim to felon and from there on a plane back to Guinea. Especially if she has actually been assaulted.

Imagine for a second, ignoring the judgements already being prepared by the world press, that she is a victim, was assaulted but is not considered reliable. That following the investigation into her past she finds herself at the mercy of the US Immigration Department and finds herself stripped of her visa/green card and deported back to Guinea.

Should it be that anybody else finding themselves in her position should just keep quiet because that’s the price they need to pay to stay in the USA?

Or should it be that anything found in discovery about her background should be swept under the carpet and a line drawn to say, from now on, be honest or else!

It is curious. There were only two people in the room. Only two people know what really happened, whatever happens in court or the world press, and even those two people might have very different perspectives on what actually occurred.

My guess would be the rich white guy is going to be released sooner or later without seeing the inside of Rikers and the Guinean immigrant is going to be an unwitting star of various celebrity shows about injustice and fighting a deportation attempt that will ultimately be quashed by order direct from the White House…


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