Getting bored is not an option...

Why is it I feel so sleepy when I get bored and so generally lethargic. It seems to become a vicious cycle. I get bored because of something I ‘must’ do and then I start to feel lethargic and lazy and seem to find almost any excuse to not do what I need to do! I could quite happily go to B&Q, buy some paint, paint a wall and watch it dry… mind you, some of the new paints only take minutes to dry and then I would be right back where I started, that is, with a task I need to do that isn’t getting done.

Same with those tasks that you know, absolutely positively, that once complete nobody will ever notice or even know about, not unless you tell them! Even then, who will really care. Thing is, if we only do things that really matter and will actually serve a purpose, then we might as well pack up for half the week and go home. Great as that sounds… not sure it will actually pay the bills, and I seem to have a few of them, but heh, that’s the beauty of our wonderful capitalist society!

So, do I keep writing drivel or shall  go write another spreadsheet to show the burn rate of budget against the projects that look really pretty (that was a couple of hours well spent …) but I doubt anybody will ever use. Except me of course, I will use them as all I have to do is plug the invoices in and I can see what has been spent against projects, against planned expenditure by month and see the size of charge being made against the business in the future. This matters in an SME or any business with cash flow issues, not so much here, to be honest!

See, I told you it was boring… why do you think I write this blog, it’s not for my health. Not physical health anyway, maybe mental health!

Can’t think of anything to seriouslly rant about right now… I will do tomorrow, when I get home tonight and find that UPS and/or HDNL have refused to leave the parcels where I have left instructions for them to do so. I don’t even get surprised any more. They visit, read the instructions from the supplier, read the note posted to my mailbox… ignore them all… leave a card and I re-arrange a time for me to come and fetch my ‘delivered’ goods! Cool!


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