Does a trite saying ever answer a question, any question!

As trite sayings go 'work to live not live to work' has to be one of the top five. It does have to come with a shed full (an English expression basically meaning a shit load... a lot, is that better!) of exclusions and amendments.

Can you imagine saying that to a surgeon? What would you have her do? To not do the extra couple of hours and leaving the latest stabbing victim to the care of the A&E nurses until they cannot deal with the trauma any longer and the victim bleeds out. Even a surgeon, or any Dr or nurse or Fireman or policeman or or or, should work to live but when they take up this wonderful and noble career, a dedication, they know what they are getting into. In fact Drs have to survive a trial by fire simply to get through the training. The training itself, simply to become a Dr is so tough and so stressful it verges on the limits of what is permissible according to the various bills on Human Rights.

Then at the other end of the spectrum a single dad who is working on a zero hours contract driving a van to deliver online shopping with tight timescales and monitored to the minute for every delivery and, where a delay is encountered, is held accountable for the problem with the potential they get no more work that week for being 'unreliable'. You want to share that little saying with them. You might need to book an appointment with that Dr if you do.

It does not mean the saying, and the many others like it, are not valid, it just means that it's not that simple and all life's issues cannot be wrapped up with a bow and pretty wrapping paper and put to one side and forgotten. Life has a really bastard like quality of kicking us in teeth. That's one of the beautiful things about life, it sets you challenges and some of them you will not and cannot pass. Life is the hardest test you can possibly take and some people simply don't manage to get through it. Most do not get through it without scars.

I like to try to qualify the saying I started with. Maybe justify it, maybe just to myself. You always need to find the time to take a step back and ask yourself key questions. If you find yourself in a zero hours contract trap, working every hour it is possible, and more than is legal, to survive in rented accommodation that can be taken away from you and your children at a few weeks notice. You still need to take some time to think and plan.

I would suggest a key step for anybody finding themselves in this position is to make a plan. Look to the future and ask yourself where you think you will be in a year, or five, or ten. Can you see a change in what you do today? Do you want something different? If so, you need to determine what it is that you want and then identify the steps that you need to take to get you from where you are today to where you want to be.

That might be education or training, it might be opportunities to use the skills you have to take a step upwards at another company, it might even be setting out on your own and becoming your own boss. After all, if you find yourself in a zero hours contract role then you have some opportunities that might not at first be apparent, after all, if you find that you have hours when you are not required, perhaps you can develop a hobby you have into a small business. I know many people that have 'kitchen table' style businesses that provide a small income. Examples from my own experience include part time book-keeping, making organic facial creams to sell on-line, artwork creation and selling, making cakes and selling them to a local coffee shop. There are many things you can do, if you wish and there are many reference materials to be had free of charge to help you. These might be online or at the much maligned but incredible free resource, the library (assuming you can find one that still operates). There are also many people that are more than happy to share their experiences and provide some advice to help you free of charge.

But back to my point, if I had one, that saying. It does apply to many millions of people that do have a choice. People that are in that vast swathe of the population that are segmented, whether you like to be categorised as such or not, as middle-class! The saying works for most of the people in this group. The key does not really change from what I have already written. You need to take time out to ask yourself what it is you really want, what is it that keeps you awake at night and where you want to be in nn years time. You need to make a plan.

That said. It is not always the case. For instance, I have read of and met, but not entirely sure I really 'know', a number of people that have dropped out of society and do not make a plan and have no intention of ever making a plan. They go with the flow and work with nature. This is fine so long as you have the ability and opportunity to do so. Those pesky hierarchy of needs are kind of important at this point. Where will you get cover, where will you get heat, where will you get food... within what is considered by the majority of the population as legal! If you are one of those few people for whom material possessions are not important and you can live happily in a home made of basic material in a forest with no running water, just a stream, no electricity or gas, unless in a canister, etc etc... then maybe you should, at least give it a try. With everything, there are compromises. All the things we take for granted come at a price. Theory being we pay taxes to provide these things such as healthcare and protection. One fact cannot be escaped, if you take up a simpler life, off grid if you like, it can come with some risks you need to be prepared to first think about and then to accept. Once you have, then go do it... if you wish!

I feel I have not quite gone where I planned to go with this entry. I just started writing and this is where I ended up. I feel there is so much more that I need to say but have not found the time and energy to do. I will have to take up the theme again in smaller chunks at a future point.


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