Bring on the horsemen...

In a purely rhetorical way...

I cannot help but to ponder upon the sight of these wealthy, public school educated, white men who are conducting the British people to the exit door of the EU by making such extravagant promises and denouncing all and every opponent as some form of demagogue who is against democracy.

It amazes me as every day passes to what will now certainly be a 'no deal' Brexit that the British people no longer seem to care nor understand what this will mean. Who knows, maybe the grass will be greener, yet every person of any academic note is saying, to one degree or another, it will not!

What will be certain, is the aforementioned group of wealthy white wizards, who have many and varied business interests will certainly benefit from the coming exit. You can be certain indeed that they care not one iota what happens to the average British citizen. Their sole purpose is to become even more wealthy and, one way or another, more powerful.

But what will happen when, as will be inevitable, the British public find that the promises cannot be met, that at some point further austerity measures will have to be introduced and their lives become even more negatively impacted. What will happen then?

Personally I would like those that have led them down the path of their own demise to be held accountable. I would like them stripped of wealth and money and all that they hold dear. I can like all I want, but it will not happen. Sure as eggs is eggs, the goats that lead the sheep will escape the slaughter-mans bolt. They will walk pass the point of death to go eat and then lead the next party through the gates.

The wealthy will retain their wealth even if that requires them to leave the country for a period of time. The irony of which will not be lost upon me, but will certainly fly over the heads of those that have made it possible.

The fingers of blame can already be seen pointing. By those very people that are causing the damage. The finger that says, it is not us, it is them, they are evil and not playing by our rules and so your anger should be directed at them. It is like a magic trick, a deception, a slight of hand. As the most gullible in society look in the direction being directed and the magician pulls the coin from behind their collective ear... and pockets it!

The UK tends to live politically centrally. A little left one decade, a little right the next. It's how it works here. But this is an unconscious swing to the right, further right than would normally be experienced. The problem with pendulums like politics is, they have a tendency to react to gravity and swing back the other way. This is the likely outcome I suspect. After the chaos, there will be a swing, a swing as far to the left as there has been to the right. In fact, some of those on the far left are deafeningly silent on the coming exit because they understand they will finally get the board upon which they can play their game. The board that has been denied them for so many decades.

And that, will be the end of the humdrum centre ground upon which the UK has existed for decades, or even centuries. Experiments will be played out in real life, with real people to see how they work out, hopefully learning from previous attempts in other places which have not worked out so well, but played out they will be, step by step. Hopefully the pendulum will keep swinging. Hopefully the pendulum will lose some momentum with each swing having been given this once in a generation, or even lifetime, supercharge nudge. And hopefully at some point things will reset to humdrum middle of the road... but probably not in my lifetime.

In the meantime, remember those wealthy white public school educated men, remember them, because  you will not see them, they will have disappeared from the public spotlight, to a place of safety, with vast sums of money taken from the pockets of the poor they have duped and mugged with such callous intent. Remember them all the same.


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