
As a complete random aside. I've got a stack of books that I have not read but keep meaning to get around to. This morning, as I have run out of books on military history of the past hundred years and the politics and economics that go with it (cease yawning...), I picked up one of this stack of books and started reading it. I'm three chapters into Huckleberry Finn. My initial impression is 'wow, that's a lot of N words!'

Seems like the kind of book that would have Donald in stitches, reading it with a guilty look on his face while hiding in an ante room somewhere in the White House. Chuckling every time he reads a word that modern sensitivities find unacceptable. And then I suspect he carves his initials in a desk somewhere before taking his phone of charge and heading straight for Twitter.

Nice to hear his pen pal sent him a lovely lovely letter full of lots of nice things and a drawing of a huge penis on the back. Well, it looked like a huge penis but could simply be the schematic (North Korean style) of the next rocket they are building to go and collect cheese from the moon. And if the glorious leader says the moon is made of cheese then the moon is made of cheese!

You would think a country still living in the dark ages would have better things to spend money on than giant fireworks that don't even go off! I mean if he is going to keep firing these pretty little rockets into the sea then he might as well fill them with lots of pretty colours and stuff so the explode in midair with a burst of colour and bangs so the people of south Korea and Japan can truly appreciate them. I'm sure their mates over the Yulu can accommodate them with some, after all they've been producing such things for centuries.

Talking of centuries. I was listening to a member of the conservative party talk about how feminist the party was and how it constantly strove to be ever more feminist. Trouble is she said the party had been fighting for women's rights for centuries. I think she and I might have been reading different history books. Either way, I decided she was about to infuriate me so switched over to an old episode of Big Bang Theory.

Anyway, there is a storm coming, and I don't mean Brexit. The one thing I hate about being in a house surrounded by trees is a storm when the trees are in full leaf. I already had one large branch decide to just snap for no apparent reason other than to kill a conifer below it. I suspect worse to come once the wind levels pick up and the rain too. On the plus side, the electricity and internet are still connected. But I suspect that will not last today.


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