Pontification always comes last...

I had some strange dreams last night. Not much point writing about them other than to say they involved a giant and an office full of confusion. I know, right! Strange. Even stranger is that the 'giant' was somebody who I used to know and work with many years ago, and he was very tall. I have no sense as to why I should suddenly find him in one of my dreams. I want to say his name was 'Tim' but I don't think it is! Not sure why that is, that I think it is Tim, not that he should be named Tim if he were, I mean that would be a life choice of his presumably long dead parents! Also... odd that I should remember this portion of the dream. It is uncommon for me to recall dreams except in the initial point of waking. Then, it is like trying to grasp a wisp of smoke as one hemisphere of the brain wakes and the other dozes off. Only rarely can I catch a part of the dream while the handshake between the two halves of the brain are taking place and the dream portion that I can recall at that moment gets copied across. Not always a good idea to do that. Dreams are best left as dreams, if you bring them across to waking reality then they can form false memories and one day you find yourself thinking about an incident that never actually happened because it was only a copy of a dream. But, that's what happened at some point in the early hours of this morning.

I also thought of lots of other things I would love to write about. But that's the other problem of the 'handshake' zone. I'm way too lazy at that point of time to actually do anything, not least as in effect I am still half asleep. So I never write anything at that point in time. Then, when fully awake, after a cup of tea and a fat filled doughnut full of sugar purporting to be 'custard filling'. Well, after that, all recollection of what I thought would be exciting to write about is somewhat lost in a rush of sugar and pre-cardiac events. But I am sure they were all very exiting subjects so, if you are reading this, just say to yourself, that was interesting what Andy wrote today and with luck your brain will not ask any further questions and you'll feel satiated that indeed I did write something more interesting than this drivel. Of course, there is the possibility that when you fall asleep tonight your subconscious will inevitable pick up on the thread and will start pulling at it until the whole charade falls apart leaving the nakedness of nothing, a dream somewhat like a emperor with very little on!

I had a reason to start writing on this here blog again. A reason to start writing and try to write something, however dull and meaningless, at least once a day and comprising a page worth of words in each entry. The reason is. I am supposed to be writing a book. But writing a book is somewhat harder than some people imagine. For a start, there's the whole plot and synopsis. What's the story, who are the characters, what's their back story, where will the plot twist and turn. But most importantly, how do you fill sufficient pages with observations that get across a scene to readers imaginations so that the story is sufficiently filled to have life. And that last part is quite hard, in fact, it is very hard. And so I determined that to write a book you need to set a time scale, say, a year. And then determine to take your synopsis and write a page worth of detail for your synopsis every day until after a whole year, voila, you have a book. Probably not publishable, probably not very good, possibly never to see the light of day... but a book anyway. And so, to get back to the point, the reason for starting on the blog again was to get back in the habit of writing, because it has been a while. And there you go.

I wonder what those other things were that I was going to pontificate upon? I wonder what pontificate means! I wonder if I should go and look it up!

Maybe it is more cogitate than pontificate...maybe...guess it depends upon your point of view :)


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