Back to me, me, me...
I know it is simply repeating the work of others, although, to be fair, I have not read the other work but I am aware of the work and have read some short books that cover the work, I do like to think about I! That said, I am also aware that for every piece of work that has ever been written on the subject of ‘I’, the soul, the psyche, the spark inside us all… there are other works which challenge the assumptions in the first book. And, so it seems, the merry dance goes on and on and on. I suspect it will continue to go on and on until some form of proof is arrived at and then the discussion might stop. Although I doubt it, probably it will simply head in another direction in light of the scientific certainty that is arrived at. And, of course, even when scientific proof is arrived at there will still be multitudes of camps that will not believe it. Just as there are today still ‘flat earthers’ and all manner of religions that don’t care too much about science and, some of...